
Title: Bristol Helicopters

The Bristol Model 192 Belvedere was the first British tandem-rotor helicopter. The initial Bristol civil Model 173 basically combined two sets of rotors and controls from the earlier smaller Bristol 171 Sycamore helicopter, interconnected by a shaft to protect against engine failure. The prototype first flew in 1952 but encountered considerable development problems. A production model using Gazelle turbo-shaft engines was designated Type 192 and the prototype for this version first flew in 1958. The first of 26 examples for the RAF entered service in 1961 and the RAF remained the sole operator of the type.

This title contains the RAF Flight Manual for the Belvedere, and to maximise value, the title also contains the RAF flight manual for its little brother the Bristol Sycamore. The files have been copied from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Bristol Belvedere HC.Mk.1, AP 4672A-PN dated Mar 62, approx. 130 pages.
  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Bristol Sycamore HR.Mk.14, AP 4361G-PN dated Feb 58, approx. 56 pages.