
Title: Fiat G59

The G.59 advanced trainer was derived from the WW2 G.55 single seat fighter by installing the RR Merlin engine. Single and twin seat versions were produced and a total of 175 were manufactured.

This title contains the complete set of manuals for the Fiat G59 including the flight manual. The files have been copied from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Italian Air Force Flight Manual (Titled Descrizione e Norme di Pilotaggio) for the Fiat G.59A and G.59B. Document CA.726/1 dated 15/12/50 with approx. 107 pages. In Italian.
  • Italian Air Force Maintenance Manual (Titled Istruzione e Norme per il Montaggio, Regolazione et Manutenzione) for the Fiat G.59B. Document CA.725 dated 21/9/50 with approx. 213 pages. In Italian.
  • Italian Air Force Parts Manual (Titled Catalogo Nomenclatore) for the Fiat G.59A and G.59B. Document CA.724 dated 10/6/51 with approx. 715 pages. In Italian.