
Title: Fieseler Fi156 Storch

The Fieseler Storch was designed for the army liaison and medical evacuation roles and first flew in 1936. It was well known during WW2 for its spectacular STOL performance. It was produced in Germany, Russia, Czechoslavkia, Romania and France. Production in France started in 1942, and continued post-war at which time it became known as the Morane-Saulnier Criquet.

This title includes the WW2 German operating manual and descriptive/maintenance manual for the Fi156 Storch, along with the combined flight/maintenance manual for the post-war Morane-Saulnier Criquet and the Aircraft Profile. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.


This title contains:

  • Kurzbetriebsanleitung (Flight Operating Manual) for the Fieseler Fi156 Storch, manual reference D.(Luft) T.2600/1 dated August 1940 with approx. 77 pages. (In the German language.)
  • Flugzeughandbuch (Descriptive and Maintenance Manual) for the Fieseler Fi156 Storch, manual reference L.DV.T2601/1 dated August 1940 with approx. 302 pages. (In the German language.)
  • Notice Technique (complete flight, descriptive, maintenance, dismantling manual) for the Morane-Saulnier MS500 Criquet 0 & II, NCE 43A dated 8-4-49 with approx. 132 pages. (In the French language.)
  • Aircraft Profile No 209 covering the Fieseler Fi156 (and including the Criquet), undated (but early 1970’s) with 24 pages.