
Title: Lockheed C-69 Constellation

The Lockheed Constellation was initially designed as a four engined airliner, but at the time of its first flight in 1943 wartime requirements meant all examples were diverted to the military as C-69 transport aircraft. Only 21 examples of the C-69 were built before production returned to civilian airliners, and all of the 21 were quickly sold onto the civil market at wars end.

This title contains the USAAF Flight and Maintenance manuals for the C-69 Constellation. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.


This title contains:

  • USAAF Pilots Flight Operating Instructions for the C-69, AN 01-75CJ-1 dated 20-1-45 revised to 15-7-45, with approx. 116 pages.
  • USAAF Pilots Erection and Maintenance Instructions for the C-69, AN 01-75CJ-2 dated 5-10-44, with approx. 578 pages.