
Title: Temco TT-1 Pinto

The Temco model 51, official name Pinto, was initially proposed to the USAF as a primary jet trainer, but that contest was won by the Cessna T-37. The aircraft was then evaluated by the US Navy who ordered a small development batch. A total of 15 were built and used for a short period at NAS Pensacola, where in 1959 one was used by the first US Navy pilot to fly solo without any propeller experience.

This title contains the flight manual for the Temco TT-1, and a nice manufacturer’s publicity brochure for the aircraft, along with a brochure for a proposed development of the type that never progressed. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • US Navy Pilots Handbook for the TT-1, NAVAER 01-270KAA-501 dated 15 August 1958, with approx. 154 pages.
  • Manufacturers publicity brochure for the Temco Model 51 (TT-1), dated October 1956 with approx. 33 pages.
  • Manufacturers publicity brochure for the AJI/Aeronca Super Pinto, undated with approx. 12 pages. (A development of the original TT-1 by replacing the J69 engine of 920 lbs thrust with the J85 engine with 2,850 lbs thrust. Not proceeded with.)