
Title: Fiat G82

The Fiat G82 was an improved version of the earlier G80, with a longer fuselage, more powerful engine and tip tanks, produced for a NATO contest. However the contest was cancelled, and only five examples were produced.

This title contains the flight manual and maintenance manual for the Fiat G82, along with a nice manufacturer’s technical brochure. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Italian Air Force Flight Manual (Titled Descrizione e Norme di Pilotaggio) for the Fiat G.82. Document CA.846 dated Jul 57 with approx. 136 pages. In Italian.
  • Italian Air Force Maintenance Manual (Titled Istruzione e Norme per il Montaggio, Regolazione et Manutenzione) for the Fiat G.82. Document CA.847 dated Jul 57 with approx. 388 pages. In Italian.
  • Manufacturer’s technical brochure on the Fiat G82, 3rd Edition dated November 1954 with approx. 34 pages. In the Italian and German languages.