
Titles: De Havilland DH98 Mosquito No’s 1 to 6

The De Havilland company was famous for producing light aircraft and training aircraft such as the ubiquitous Tiger Moth. At the start of WW2 they proposed a wooden bomber or reconnaissance aircraft so fast it could be unarmed. There was no official interest so the company proceeded as a private venture.

The result is the famous Mosquito, first flown in 1940, and produced in over forty different variants covering the roles of fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, trainer, target-tug, etc.  Many of the most famous aerial operations of WW2 were carried out by the Mosquito, known as the “Wooden Wonder”.

40 examples were even used by the USAAF to replace Lockheed F-4 aircraft (reconnaissance version of the P-38), designated as F-8. We would have expected the USAAF to just use British AP’s for such a small number of aircraft but they did produce proper TO’s, and we have these manuals for this very rare aircraft.

Produced in the UK, Canada and Australia, nearly eight thousand in total were manufactured.

We offer six titles containing several pilot’s flight manuals and maintenance manuals for various versions of the De Havilland Mosquito, including Australian and American marks, along with two aircraft profiles.  The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages. Each title is US$9.95.

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Title 1 contains:

  • USAAF Pilot’s Flight Operating Instructions for the F-8, (Canadian built Mosquito XX adapted for the photo-reconnaissance role.) T.O. No 01-150JA-1 dated 30-6-44, revised to 15-8-44, with approx. 37 pages.
  • USAAF Erection & Maintenance Instructions for the F-8, T.O. No 01-150JA-2 dated 15-5-44, with approx. 205 pages.
  • USAAF Ferry Pilot’s Operating Instructions for the F-8, undated but basically a reprint of the RAF Mk XX Pilot’s Notes, with approx. 24 pages.

Title 2 contains:

  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito B.IV, AP 2019D-PN, 2nd Edition dated August 1943, with approx. 40 pages.
  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito (XVIII, IX) XVI, AP 2653H & J-PN dated March 1944 reprinted Dec 1944, with approx. 44 pages.
  • De Havilland produced secret memo titled “Mosquito VIII, IX, XVI Operational Performance Notes, document DH/Aero/6/G.W.T./98, undated with approx. 18 pages.
  • Aircraft Profile No 209 covering the De Havilland Mosquito Mk IV, undated with 20 pages.

Title 3 contains:

  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito T.III, AP 2019C-PN, 2nd Edition dated August 1943, with approx. 38 pages.
  • RAF Servicing and Descriptive Handbook (Volume One) for the Mosquito T.III, AP2019C Volume 1 dated September 1942 with approx. 287 pages.
  • “Mosquito Mutterings” – A collection of humorous cartoons produced by De Havilland Canada for both Pilot’s and Engineers to illustrate various points about the Mosquito, dated 1944 with approx. 39 pages.
  • Aircraft Profile No 52 covering the De Havilland Mosquito Mk’s I to IV, dated 1965 with 12 pages.

Title 4 contains:

  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito F.II, NFXII, NFXIII and NFXVIII, AP 2019B,G,H,K,P-PN, 2nd Edition dated August 1943, with approx. 44 pages.
  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito 30 and 36, AP 2653K & P-PN dated March 1945 with approx. 48 pages.
  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito NF38, AP 2653Q-PN dated July 1949 with approx. 51 pages.
  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito FBVI FBXVIII FB26, AP 2019E,L,T-PN dated February 1944 with approx. 45 pages.

Title 5 contains:

  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito XX, 25 and 29, AP 2019N & S-PN dated Nov 1944 with approx. 44 pages.
  • RAF Provisional Pilot’s Notes for the Sea Mosquito TR33, AP 24088A-PPN, dated August 1946, with approx. 44 pages.
  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito TT35, AP 2653S-PN, dated August 1952, with approx. 47 pages.
  • RAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito TT39, AP 2653R-PN dated Nov 1948 with approx. 51 pages.

Title 6 contains:

  • RAAF Pilot’s Notes for the Mosquito 40, Australian Air Publication No 527 dated December 1944 with approx. 54 pages.
  • RAAF Descriptive Manual for the Mosquito 41, Australian Air Publication No 804 dated October 1947 with approx. 333 pages.
  • RAAF Repair Manual for the De Havilland DH98 Mosquito Mk XL (with reference to Mk’s II to VI), RAAF Publication No 389 dated April 1944 witrh approx. 254 pages.