
Titles: Lockheed 18 Lodestar No’s 1 and 2

Due to disappointing sales of the Lockheed 14 compared to it’s Douglas competitors, Lockheed developed the Model 18 by lengthening the fuselage by 5 feet to allow two more rows of seats. However by the time the aircraft was developed most US Airlines had committed to the Douglas DC-3 and only 142 civil models were built. The remainder of the total of 625 examples were military transports under a range of different designations, the main ones of which were the C-59 and C-60.

We offer two titles including flight manuals and maintenance manuals covering most variants of the civil and military Lockheed 18 Lodestar. The first title covers the USAAF C-59 variants and civil equivalent, and the second title covers the C-60 variant along with a manufacturer’s maintenance manual and two civil flight manuals. The flight manuals have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages. Each title is US$9.95.

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Title 1 contains:

  • USAAF Preliminary Operation & Flight Instructions for the C-59 (Lodestar), Technical Order No 01-75CF-1 dated 25-3-42, with approx. 82 pages.
  • USAAF Preliminary Handbook of Service Instructions for the C-59 (Lodestar), Technical Order No 01-75CF-2 dated 25-3-42, with approx. 253 pages.
  • Lockheed Operating Instructions for the Lodestar (Model 18-56 R5O-5) with approx. 105 pages.

Title 2 contains:

  • USAAF Pilots Flight Operating Instructions for the C-60 & C-60A R5O-5 R5O-4 Lodestar II, T O No 01-75CE-1 AP 2489B, dated 10-3-42 revised to 20-11-43 with approx. 84 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s Maintenance Instructions for the Lodestar Model 18, document SD/11828 dated 1946 with approx. 223 pages.
  • New Zealand National Airways Pilot’s Notes for the Lockheed Lodestar Airliner, Operating Publication No 4 dated 31 May 1950 with approx. 96 pages.
  • CAA Approved Aircraft Operating Manual for Lockheed Model 18 C202A undated with approx. 35 pages.