
Title: Sud Ouest SO-30 Bretagne

The SO.30 Bretagne was a twin-engined medium capacity transport designed during WW2 and first flown in 1945. Originally intended as a civil transport, it never saw service with Air France, most of the 45 examples built eventually going to the military and some third level airlines in French colonies.

This title contains the flight manual for the Bretagne plus three brochures for the SO-30 series. The files have been scanned from the original manuals and retain any colour pages.


This title contains:

  • Manuel D’Utilisation (Operations Manual) for the Sud-Ouest SO-30P (Bretagne No 12). Dated 15 Juin 1950 with approx. 185 pages. In an Air France cover, though the aircraft type never served with Air France. (In the French language.)
  • Colour brochure for the SO 30 Bretagne dated 1950 with approx. 52 pages. In English and French.
  • Tone brochure for the SO 30P undated with 4 pages. In English.
  • Colour brochure for the SO 30R “Bellatrix” undated with approx. 16 pages. In French.